Markus is special - just like his pictures.
Markus does not see the world in the same way as the rest of us. He happens to be born with autism, mild developmental disability, language disorder, ADHD and a diagnosis he invented himself IM (which according to Markus stands for Inge Mer).
He has always photographed with his mobile phone and when you look at his pictures they are often completely different - and very good. Therefore, he got a really good and easy-to-use camera (a Leica D109) in 2016, when he was 13 years old. Markus loves his camera and the attention he gets for his pictures. People like Markus don't get much attention otherwise. He is determined and knows exactly which images are worth working on. He is now 18 years old and in a short time has made an outstanding career in art photography with several exhibitions both in Sweden and internationally.
Markus has received a lot of attention in the media, including a large article in the magazine Vi. SvD has written about him and several local newspaper reports. He was also selected to represent people with disabilities in a major campaign for the Employment Agency.
Download the article in the journal Vi here
Markus is special - just like his pictures.
Markus was born in 2003. Raised in Borlänge and now lives in Stockholm.
2017 Van der Plas Gallery. New York City. Group exhibition.
2017 Sven Harry's. Stockholm. Solo exhibition.
2017 Van der Plas Gallery. New York City. Group exhibition.
2018 The Swedish Institute, Paris. Solo exhibition.
2018 MARMOE Cultural Festival, Montreuil, Paris. Solo exhibition.
2018 Edsvik Art Gallery, Sollentuna. Solo exhibition.
2019 Sorbonne, Maison Suedoise, Paris. Solo exhibition
2020 Planket Darkroom, Edsvik. Group exhibition
2022 HRMAB, Stockholm. Solo exhibition
If you have an idea for an exhibition or want to draw attention to Markus and his pictures in some way, you are welcome to get in touch. Send a message under Contact .

Van der Plaas Gallery, New York.

The Swedish Institute, Paris.

SvenHarrys, Stockholm.

Campaign for Arbetsförmedlingen that ran on billboards in the Stockholm subway.